Tuesday, 13 March 2012

A little Update

So the reason that I have been inactive on here over the past week or so is due to a stag weekend that I went on in Edinburgh over the weekend 4th March.

It is safe to say that I relaxed from my training regime and went for it.........resulting in having a great weekend. I haven't had the chance to totally unwind for quite a while so from a mental aspect it was great for me.

Physically however that was so not the case! After a 2 hour sleep on the last night I awoke from my jaeger bomb induced coma with a gland in my throat the size of a golf ball! The whole of last week I felt lethargic, weak and had no hope of training. No matter how well I ate, slept and drank I couldn't feel back to normal. I was due to go for my training run this past Saturday but awoke to all my joints aching, head banging and JK calling me a wimp!....he actually used a different term but I will let your imagination figure that one out!

After his inspiring word I shut my eyes and slept right through to the afternoon...which is not like me so I must of needed it. The rest of that day was spent with heavy eyes and a banging head but come Sunday I was feeling mostly back to normal.

What's occurring now is a bit of a mental and physical block to get back to training as well as I was before. This has always been a sticking point for me. I get to a point where things are going well and with a little set back it derails all the previous efforts. I can't go through this Transalpine training half heartedly otherwise I will get found out and destroyed on the first day.

I want to complete this event it knowing I trained really well, stuck to my guns on how I feel all types of runners should prepare and for it to knock down any boundaries that I have within myself. I do have some internal doubts like I imagine most people do and over the course of the next 6 months I will keep working at improving myself.

Next post will detail the next phase of our strength & conditioning work....

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