Most, if not all the people that we know have been calling us mad for entering into this years GORE-TEX Transalpine event, yet smiling when they say it thinking about the pain and discomfort that we'll be going through as we make our way through the Alps from September 1st-8th.
A common theme that we have all had when talking to people about what it is we're doing is 'what charity are you doing it for?'
Originally we weren't actually going to do it for a charity. Jamie sums up on our charity page why we entered really well.
'We all wanted something to test ourselves with, something for us to aim for and something that will bring out the best in us'
If you have read my posts you can already see the effect it is already having on me going through the training.
Through the generosity of yourselves we are wanting and hoping that our collective efforts can make a change for those people who are in great need of it.
With the ever so recent events involving Bolton's Fabrice Muamba and London Marathon runner Claire Squires it is key that Heart research and it's applications are things that affect a lot of people.
Our Donation page can be reached via this link;
If I can ever figure out how!, I will add a direct link on the blog.
All the best to you all.
Nick, JK, Dave & Staff