Monday, 30 April 2012

24.2 miles - Royston and back 28th April

The latest run we increased to 24 miles from 20 the previous effort. The weather was beautifully wet all the way through the run which I found quite fun to be honest. I haven't run through muddy puddles in a while, felt like being a kid again at times...then my body would hurt in some random place and I'd be reminded that I am in the middle of a long arsed run! ha ha

We took at few pictures and recorded a few videos for you to have look at. We like to have a bit of a laugh when we run together :)

Just a word on Staff - He injured his hip 12.5 miles into the run and fair play to him, he battled through the rest of the run in quite some pain to finish. Great bit of mental discipline from him.

The evidence! 

 Staff's and Dave's normal greeting to me.
 looking like a wet dopey (snow white)
 Standard team pose this one
 Felt like the right thing to do

 I think on this pic of me smiling my upper lip got caught on my braces haha...wadda mess!

 Nice and sunny it was...
 Soaked through...time for a change of shirt

 Dave's best Sloth impression! ....Hey you guys!!!

now the videos
Dave's description of his bowel movements. Classic.

How many lads to find a tablet???

Victory dance!!

All in all it was a great effort by us all and the next run is on Mt. Snowdon in Wales!!
We are spending a couple of nights there to do a some solid an hilly 5hr runs......sounds like fun doesn't it!?

All I know is, given that it is the four of us camping there it is sure to be a laugh however hard the running might be. In the end, that's what it is all about. Fun.
