The Queens Jubilee celebrations are upon us and being based in London it is clear to see that there is going to be one big party coming up. I have to say that its good to see people openly patriotic and celebrating what is a great country.
I've added my own twist to things by getting the bands surrounding the brackets on my braces coordinated in red, white and to mix it up a bit don't I!
For us four blokes this weekend we are most definitely running up a few his in the lake district. This will be my first trip to what has been described as a stunning place, I fully expect to be looking at the floor when im knackered!
The plan for the trip is along the same lines as Snowdonia in that will be on our feet for 7hrs give or take a few minutes in order for us to get it in our....actually my thick head that you just have to keep going!
Dave, JK and myself went for a cheeky 10 miler this past Sunday and guess what!?
I felt absolutely rubbish from 6 miles in which was as much a shock the system as the heat that we were running in.
Due to that I have no idea what this weekend is going to feel like......painfully interesting springs to mind!
on a non running theme I have a new toy to keep me more efficient with my blog posts.... introducing my Sony S Tablet (im writing this post using it)
As it allows an SD card to be used with it, I can link all the videos and photos from our training straight away. My main reason for having this Tablet is come the event I will be able to give updates stage by stage which I find quite exciting! It's the little things that count!
Here's to the weekend!
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