Thursday, 6 June 2013

Fast Food - Should there be an age restriction? (Blog in progress, will be updated as & when facts and figures all collated )

#Please note that this blog will be written in stages. As I've been thinking about this I am now wanting to explore this topic further by getting in touch with my local government officials, schools, parents, nutritionists, colleagues and the fast food chains. If this were a can of's open and I'm hungry!

Points I will write about
- Child obesity - links to welfare lifestyle?
- health stats (local and government)
- Education of parents - how they choose/barriers to health/
- The role supermarkets play
- choice of the individual (age to choose for themselves)
- Government agenda/marketing/outreach/education
- Schools - their role in choice/health/education of nutrition
- Anything else that pops into my head

This subject/idea has been stuck in my mind for quite some time.

Firstly lets put it out there that fast food chains and processed meals aren't going to go away. They generate massive amounts of money.
If you look at MacDonald's as a business it is simply epic. It's a monster corporation that generates huge turnover and as a business model it is excellent. Problem is, the products they sell to people are very sub standard and bad for your health. If only they produced products that were healthy for you but that begs the question.... Would it of had the same success?

In an ideal world I'd love to see steak, veggies and nuts on the breakfast menu rather than a sausage and egg mcmuffin. (I'm using MacDonald's as an example as it's the most well known)

Where I work is located within a town centre and as such is surrounded by your typical high street food stores.
As I take a walk to my local bank branch I pass the local MacDonald's. Every time I get a surge in anger. You may feel that this is an excessive reaction to just walking past a fast food chain but it's what I see inside that infuriates me.

The cause is seeing very young children being taken in their by their mum or dad and being fed the foods that are on offer. I am talking young kids as well - one lad was around 18 months old, sitting in a high chair,being fed fries and a burger bun........
When I see this it upsets me, saddens me and challenges my mindset to understand the thought processes of the parents.
I am not going to start questioning if they are good parents as it's not my place and I'm sure 99.9% of them are great. Kids rely on their parents for everything and we have a responsibility to make sure they grow into healthy people.
My issue is with these children not knowing or having a choice about what food they are being given to eat. Here's what I want to go into....when does a child have the ability to make an informed choice to eat foods that have a negative effect on their bodies????

As we grow up we have age restrictions and progressions in differing aspects of our lives. Have a think when you read this list on why these ages and who decided. What are the thought processes of those who decide what's the right age?? (based on the U.K)

 - MMR jab =
 - Pre School/nursery =
 - Starting infant school = 3
 - Starting Secondary School = 11
 - GCSE exams = 16
 - Allowed to have Sex = 16
 - Driving = 16
 - Drinking alcohol =18
 - Starting University (generally speaking) = 18
 - Allowed to work = 16 (late into 15 as long as a national insurance card is issued)
 - Age of retirement =

Everyone likes to discuss sex so I will use that to delve a little pun intended ;-)

Let's also assume that the example I give is that of someone that hasn't had sex. (I am not going to discuss puberty and the body being ready to reproduce at younger ages than 16 - focusing on the mindset and choices that occur)
Said person gets to 16 years old and suddenly is experienced in life in today's society to engage in sexual encounters and deal with both the positives and the negative aspects as a result??
Yet they can't drink alcohol but can drive a vehicle.
The way I view these age limits is the government saying that at those ages without any outside help from your parents or friends you will be able to cope with any and all outcomes. I am being very generalised here as each topic can be greatly expanded upon.