Monday, 21 January 2013

A look at one of my training programs.

My Training partner and I are currently going through a new phase of training.

Our weekly schedule sees us doing x 3 weight training sessions and a minimum of x 1 H.I.I.T session (High Intensity Interval Training).

The sessions are based on 8 exercises per session, grouped into pairs (super sets). The first exercise being lower body followed by an upper body exercise. At this stage we are working with lighter loads (65-70% of estimated 1 Rep max) doing 3 sets, 12-15 reps.
Rest Periods for the first 2 weeks are 30 seconds between the super set and 60 seconds after.

After week 2 the rest after each super set will drop to 45 seconds to not get into a position of stagnation and to force the body into adapting to a new stimulus. (There are many variables to manipulate during training)

We are working to specific tempos on each exercise. Tempo of a given exercise is very specific in determining your training effect.

My Blog post going explaining program structure and tempos can be read here.

For those familiar with Strength training I follow the Structure & principles of Charles Poliquin.

Right! One of the sessions that we're doing.

A1 - Deadlifts
3 x 15, Tempo (T) 3010
A2 - 45 degree incline bench dumbbell press
3 x 15 T - 2110

B1 - Barbell on back, front foot elevated split squats
3 x 12 each side (e/s) T - 2110
B2 - Seated, Bent over dumbbell rear delt raise
3 x 15 T - 2110

C1 - Forward box step up holding dumbbells
3 x 12 e/s T - 1110
C2 - Lying dumbbell tricep extensions
3 x 15 T - 2110

D1 - Barbell on back calf raises - toes raised
3 x 25 (calfs need higher reps) T - 2011
D2 - Standing dumbbell bicep hammer curls
3 x 15 T - 2110

Please remember that this session is only a fraction of my overall plan so you have an idea of what I am working on.
All training plans are specific to the individual and as such variations, tempos, exercise selection are not mutually exclusive.

The other sessions take into account the movements and muscles targeted in this session to make sure I have a balanced training plan whilst also targeting any structural issues I have.

Please feel free to message me privately or comment if you have any questions on this post or any on your own training.

Stay positive and be awesome.


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